Monday, March 26, 2018

eBay funding a new project.

Long time, no post!

I haven't painted a lot recently. Frankly, part of it is my eyesight. I have had a harder time seeing the details up close. So a trip to the eye doctor is scheduled for later this week and I will likely get new spectacles.

There is a project that I wish to do as well. In fact, it's one of the reasons I am eBaying a bunch of Bones minis.

A while back, I posted about an LED screen tabletop frame I built for minis and maps. I have wanted to upgrade this to a new gaming table with the screen flush and embedded in the surface. You can see an example of this kind of table in this video. I probably won't make this exact configuration, but it's the same idea.

My hope is to make enough scratch to buy the materials and maybe even upgrade a few power tools I could use for the project. The auctions end over Easter weekend, so even if I make enough cash for everything I probably will not actually get to buy stuff and/or work on the table until at least the following weekend.

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